Monday, September 21, 2009


I was speaking with a friend about it - I was sorry not being able to show him what is written here because I didn't had the time before.
I am compelled to do it now.

We were speaking about the lack of education deepening in our society, about the fact that during communism we were obliged to learn and this was rewarded to some extent. A member of the society was motivated, supported and encouraged to learn more and to educate himself as much possible.

No need to go in polemics about it - it was what it was at that time's extent and now we can see it shattered. We can see young people having no respect, following bad values. It can not be generalized, but I can bet one month of my salary that you agree with me. The educational system today is worse then the one 20 years ago.

Today as well, with an other friend we opened the topic of religion - actually he did, because I have strong opinions about it, with various extremely good arguments and I see no point in opening a topic where most people can not tell me anything new. By the way, I'm an atheist - the truly convinced type. He knew that, but his topic within the topic was concerning (just as my other friend was saying about education) that young people have no strong sense of morality or bad values developed. He was speaking from the religion point of view that less people are religious now-a-days and this is why.

Okay... religion has MANY benefits upon humanity as a specie. It also has its down parts. One of the biggest benefits is hope - and hopefully (I allow myself a small grin) I'll manage to cover this some other day. Other smaller benefits are the teachings of morality and of treasuring the correct values. But religion does this only when the morals and the values are not thought to people by their parents or guardians. If someone knows how to explain then he'll make you choose. If I tell you that killing an ant is wrong you may or may not believe me, depends on how much respect you have for me. But if I tell a situation in which killing an ant is a good thing and then an other where it is a bad thing - then you'll judge the action and develop values, and those might be in this situation auto protection for instance but also that harming other beings for no reason is not pointless but reckless, stupid and thus wrong!

This is the basic pedagogy of values and morality - this is the way it should be done to be effective, and this is how if it is lacking then religion might teach you that by the simple fact that you believe some text from a book and if that book also tells you what is right and wrong then you might believe that too.

Regardless of the fact that you can judge for yourself and make it undoubtful - a value, your parents, your school or your religion can teach you that, and this is how you have morals. Values and morals are slightly different from this point of view - values are your own and they are what you managed to figure out, morals is what you choose to value without a logical breakthrough or revelation on why.

Enough with this for the moment, let's return to the first friend's topic: "The government should provide better education and better programs for our imbecile country". He didn't say it like that but you get the point.

First off, the state is nothing... the people are the one who should be thinking this and say it loud. Then the government will implement it. The government is just the tool in making the needing stuff or desires of the people coming true. The government is powerless in reality - it is the people choosing what should be done or not. It is also up to the people to have a good and efficient government system. If you are in a democracy - then careful whom you elect. If it is a totalitarian system, then the one in charge is the one needed to command the changes the people want regardless of some "sporadic" individual disagreements. The bottom line is: if your parents take the time to properly educate you then you will be educated, you will learn, you will want to learn more - you will want to make the world a better place and you will want to follow your dreams because you'll have the ability to distinguish between what YOU want and what you should want. If your parents educate you then you will grow and want your kids to be educated as well.

By education I strictly mean knowing and judging what's good and bad in life. Education can also refer to knowledge... that's something else and it comes along as an extension of education.

So... why is everything turning to shit more and more with every decade? I think this is a badly formulated question - things are just evolving... Everything has a reason. Lets blame society...

What is society? It is the conglomeration of principles in which we coexist. The principles are in a few categories and laws are formulated around those principles. The society is how WE agree to live. It is an organized way for us to coexist with each other.

Excepting some rare cases when some people might live in the wild by themselves we are all born in a society. And because of this, then we must agree with those rules. Those rules are made around some values - some principles... if nobody tells you what they are then you must figure it out. However, when you are taught something doesn't necessary make it true.

What are the main two values of your society?
I live in a democracy, and since this is the most spread form of society I will take democracy as my example. Easy right? Anyone can answer this question... Right? Is it freedom? Is it pace? Is it harmony? Well being? Which are the two most evident values which can be seen in democracy? I will disagree with you, the answer is greed and selfishness. That's right... if you live in a democracy then you have to be greedy and you have to be selfish. If you don't do that then you'll never succeed in anything... If you say that this is false then I will say HA! You can not follow your dreams without being even a bit selfish, you can not reach your ambitions unless you are a bit greedy... A society that promotes wealth is a society promoting greed and selfishness. Why is the democracy the most corrupt system? this is why...

Okay, so democracy is not perfect... it has its good and its bad... We can all agree. There was this guy which was labeled as communist saying that democracy will auto destroy itself... and so the communists were waiting and waiting for that to happen. But it didn' far at least. But let me ask you this...

Are you educated? Have you been taught what is good or bad? Ar you able to make simple logical choices? I will put that to a test...
Here are the rules - think only about the present and the feature when you answer and completely ignore what you have been thought and search good arguments when you answer.

1. A wasp is around you and it is not giving you peace no matter how much you try making it go away. You know it can sting you and you know you don't want that. You remain with two options: kill it or leave.
Kill the wasp - good or bad?

2. You have a mobile phone; it still works, you can use it, but it is rather old, looks crappy and in fact, you spoke so much on it for the last years that the company you are using for the service can give you a better, newer mobile phone for free (or some huge discount for a cool phone).
Change the phone with the new one: good or bad?

3. You have an old car; you have enough money to buy a new car and there isn't a better investment for the money that you can think of: a more reliable car, a more secure car, a faster car, more comfortable, a car which consumes less gas - it is better in all the aspects.
Buy a new car: good or bad?

4. You see a beggar near a market place, you see him allot and you know his poor, homeless and perhaps hopeless.
Give a coin or two to the beggar: good or bad?

5. The city you live in needs more parking places. A new parking lot in the center would help allot with the traffic and with the aesthetics of having people parking where ever they can. Plus, there is a free space in the center owned by the city which can be used for that.
Build the parking lot: good or bad?

6. The leader of a totalitarian regime is committing humanity crimes against its people. We have the power to help those people but yet, our government decides not to do it.
Don't help them: good or bad?

7. Our country has this year a 20% more income from exports this year. We exported more food to poor countries. This means food for the hungry and more money for us for everything, we can finally invest into making our country a better place: better education, better health system better life.
More income for our country: good or bad?

8. Natality is grater then mortality - this means that more people are born then the ones are dieing.
Is this good or bad?

So... was this simple enough for you? Did you manage to find a good argument for your bad or good answer? I hope it was - because my arguments say all the answers are BAD and you answer most of them if not all as being good.

Question 8: more people are getting born then the ones dieing. This means a few good things are happening, the health system is better, the conditions of life are better, the crimes might be lower, people are living longer. This are all good things in life, right? Tell me something, you know that on Earth are almost 7 billion people, right? For the sake of humor and mathematics lets round it to 7 assuming we can count that well... The world wide natality/mortaliti ratio is around 2%. Not that much but it means we are having more people living on earth each year. Do you know in how many years the population will double if we keep this up? Only 35. Do you know when we will have 28 billion people on Earth? You guessed right... an other 35 years... If you will see a crowded city... imagine how you're grand kids will feel like... Bleah... Must I remind you the resources you need to feed 14 billion people? I'll tell you... twice as much we have now...

Should I comment on the other questions? I guess I should...

Question 7 - More income for our country: good or bad?
More money for our country... and we got that money how? Growing food... and we grow that food where? on the land. On the land was before what? Most likely a forest. What was in that forest? Animals, plants and trees. So... in order to get more money we killed a bunch of animals, leveled some trees and there you have it. A better life for the humans... at which cost? At the cost of our planet. Democracy is imposing a stupid financial system, the system is based on economic growth... if you produce more, if you consume more, if you sell more... then everything is better. WRONG - how much do you think you can keep it up? How much time can democracy can sustain an exponential level of resources exploitation? Perhaps long enough, perhaps not that long.

Question 6 - help the oppressed people.
What happens if you do help them we know... we get to war, some people are dieing (which is good thing when you think about the real-estate prices 35 years from now) but we free the people... and then they are free... to choose to be democratic... woohoo, we are making real progress here... And what happens if you don't help them? I guess they either help themselves when they get sick of it (and then they will choose to be democratic) or either they accept it... and do "nothing"... and this nothing will turn into something... and that something is not democracy... which can be bad but it can also be good because then we will have VARIETY. We will have "those" people which think differently and they do that because they had to put up with all that shit when they were oppressed. What gives you the right to impose good or bad? What gives you the right to choose for other people? What gives you the right to believe you are better then other people? What gives you the right to impose your opinion? Is this part of the democratic principles?

5 Build a parking lot.
That's bad... that's really bad... you encourage people to own cars. You encourage people to use cars. More cars means more traffic, more traffic means more parking lots, more parking places means more people can take more cars because there is more room for more cars... We have enough technologies in order to ensure a more efficient transport method. Bus, trams, sub-way... aren't they better? I know of one city in South-America where they did that... they didn't build larger streets, they didn't build more parking places, they just made special lanes for buses... what was the outcome? In each station there was a bus stopping each 1-3 minutes, they are traveling faster by bus, it is cheaper, you can get anywhere in the city... cheaper, faster, better and ORGANIZED... this is what I call progress. This is a good thing... more cars is bad thing... imagine in 35 years the traffic... P.S. - use your car for emergency transports or out of the city.

4 The beggar on the corner.
He has his own corner to beg at, he's doing it daily... why would I help him... why would I encourage such a parasite? What happens if nobody gives him anything... how will him survive? Simple... he start earning money or he dies. If he earns money then I am correct - he should not beg... if he dies, I'm sure other people will know about it and I'm sure people will realize that if they don't do something they will die... and so... more people are doing something in staid of existing only as a parasite. If you ask me about some situations when there is nothing you can do and you need just a little help or touch of humanity - then yes, I agree, help him do something, help him by taking him to church where they serve hot soup for the broken souls.
* Story * (be warned of the boring topic)
One time in a train station in Bucharest there were perhaps 5 beggars in my near vicinity while I was waiting for my train. I didn't give them anything and they probably cursed me a bit in return. At a certain point, a young boy comes to me and say that he needs some more money for a ticket to go on the sea side. I gave him all the money I could spare - it was more then he asked (he actually tried to convince me to take the extra back). One of the beggars asked me, why you help him and you don't want to help me? I need money for food, he doesn't need it that much. I replayed: some day he will work for money, he will do something - you don't do anything, you are strong and you could work, if you ask me to give you money and in return you carry my suitcase I would have agreed. I don't need anyone to help me with my suitcase but I can help you if you are willing to help yourself. He didn't said anything more, he just returned in his spot. I realized he probably only wanted to know how much of a curse to put on me... more on the subject can only be expressed by the Romanian movie "Filantropica" (in a true and funny matter).

3. The new car acquisition
I'm sure you asked yourself - what BAD reason can be behind a better car... We all know the good reasons... I'd like to emphasis the less pollution factor from the new car. That's a big "good thing". But then again, you're not buying it because you care about Earth and the place where your crowded grandchildren will live - you care only about yourself... you care about your comfort, you care about your style, you care about anything else but altruism and need. You don't need a new car, you don't need it at all actually - if you don't know what else better you can do with your money then you might not have any needs actually. You're all good except driving an old car. Congratulations, you're the perfect example of a selfish normal human. Don't tell me you would donate the old car... you would not, you are also greedy... this is the society you live in, everybody is the same, why should you feel stupid being different.

No. 2
It is the same thing as above... you don't need a new phone, this one still works. It is free? Woohoo... out with the old, in with the new, let's waste some resources and energy, lets all be selfish and in style!

Kill the puny insect - it will give you a sting which can last up to 24 hours, you will feel uncomfortable, frustrated and terrorized if that happens. Hmm, here's an idea: call someone to get rid of that pesky hive of wasps which have no place in the trophic chain and then you can keep on with your life happy and untroubled and when you'll get 83 years old you can take you grand-grand children to the "zoo" and explain why the wasps in that jar are dangerous and how people killed them all in order to stay alive and overpopulate the Earth.

You know what people... you make me sick... I despise you... you're just a bunch of fucking animals fucking in the top of the food chain, you're nothing but a mindless pack of horny rabid monkeys taking joy from farting on the cockroaches crawling in you kitchen for a crumb of bread. You're the ugliest kind of cancer this planet has and cancer has only one cure and only one effect. The effect is to spread until it kills it host and the cure is eradication.

I grin when a fire destroys 200 houses, I smile when an earthquake kills 1000 in some place, I'm laughing when a tsunami washes away 10.000 bodies and I'm laughing hysterically when I hear millions of people die each year by starvation. It only means we get some more time... that's all... the cancer dies as well when its host it is killed.

But perhaps I have an unprecedented black humor which nobody understands and I surely must be schizophrenic. Only an insane man would say do such a thing... I should be locked away for being an endanger to society.

Funny - if cancer can be prevented I never heard of a cure that convinces cancer to stop what it is doing. I guess the only hope can come from God... oh wait... wasn't there something said about some apocalypse thing? I wonder what's that all about...

You have read all the way here? It is time you get a life and start to Live happy and prosperous! You'll die anyway because you're a selfish greedy individual of a prosperous society.

Thank you and fuck of.


  1. Let's just say that your salary is safe for now :D

  2. Hey, where is the "sucks" Reaction box, is it next to the "boring" one?
