Who are WE?
We are humans and we are about 6 and a half billion humans on earth.
Who's Earth?
- around 4.54 billion years old.
- the first self-replicating molecule on Earth is estimated to have appear around 4 billion years ago
- surface: ~510million square km
- it's the third planet from the Sun and it's orbiting it at an average distance of 150 million kilometers.
Who is Sun?
- the Sun's mass is 98.6% of our solar system's mass.
- hydrogen is 74% of it's mass and 92% of the volume, the rest is mostly helium.
- the energy of the sun that disperse all the light is created by nuclear fusion (the hydrogen is transformed into helium)
- temperature at the surface is around 5500°C
- the Sun is more brighter then 85% of the other stars in the galaxy
- from it's light we perceive mostly the yellow color, but the blue spectrum is mostly seen as the reflection of the atmosphere and thus we see the blue sky, also as the degree of the light comes steeper we can see the red/orange light in the atmosphere at dusk and dawn.
- inner rim of the galaxy at around 24.800 light years from the center.
- the Sun orbits the center of the galaxy with 251km/s and 1 revolution is done in 225-250 million years.
- it takes 1400 years for the solar system to travel 1 light year.
Life cycle:
- 4.57 billion years old
- has around 10 billion years from birth until becomes a red giant (not enough mass for a supernova explosion)
- it will end up as a typical white dwarf (mostly carbon) in about 8-9 billion years from now.
Who's our galaxy?
- age is unknown but the oldest star identified is 13.2 billion years old.
- the Galactic thin disk is estimated to have been formed between 6.5 and 10.1 billion years ago
- current measurements suggest the Andromeda Galaxy (2.5 million years away) is approaching us at 100 to 140 kilometers per second and it will collide with Milky Way in 3 to 4 billion years from now --> kaboom or not kaboom? :)
There are between 200 and 400 BILLION stars in this galaxy.
There is a brute estimate of between 200 and 400 billion galaxies in a meta-galaxy
Can we go forward saying that there might be around 300 billion galaxies in the universe?
So there are "about" stars out here... oh wait... did I say there are perhaps 100 trillion cells in your body? well... that's 30 billion of trillion of trillion less cells in your body then there might be stars in the universe...
Talking about a big ego:
Oh... if GOD created the universe... would he care about that bit of nothing growing on a small insignificant planet? If you would say 'yes' then I would say... man you really feel important!!!
And so I conclude: WE are nothing... we are really-really NOTHING... and we are all bound to disappear in less then 4 billion years unless we mass suicide before that.
Here's a nice song to go with this.
Have a good day and long life!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Who am I?
Who are you?
A simple question but with so many meanings and answers. Most likely you'll answer with your name by which you are know or referred to. Your name only implies that you are a human with a reference.
You could think deeply and give a better and more explicit answer... but for that, I can give you a bit of help. I'll help you by asking, what are you?
You are a human being or an individual of the human society. You must go deeper then that, tell me, what is a human?
Again, multiple answers, again a chain of aspects... to really answer a question to it's full you must know the actual universal truth - everything about everything. There is no human to know it, and there will never be someone capable to know everything. He who knows the answer to every question can only be seen as a god in my book, and even he might not know everything. But we are getting away from the subject and that is "who are you, really?"
It seems I used the pick of my existence to find out who I am, what is my purpose, what is the meaning of all this, how it happened... (the years around the age of 25 are considered as pick age - where everything you are doing can be referred to this age, for example the majority of greatest discoveries took place at this age or were sketched/formulated at this time).
So I asked my self just what I'm asking you here. I simply concluded that I am separated entities which are symbiotic (one can not exist without the other): my mind and my body. Let's start with the body, it's simpler, better studied and thus known to us:
A spermatozoon meets an ovule: they mix up their genes and then start dividing creating cells... cell after cell until you are created. How is this happening is absolutely amazing. A metaphor of the process would be: we have the DNA (right image) which is the architect, we have the RNA (the image a bit more down) which are the engineers and we have the common workers (cells/enzymes...) which are constructing as it is planned.
So, these are the brief facts of there is to it:
DNA is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms. The Human DNA has 23 pairs of chromosomes. Chromosome number 1, is approximately 220 million base pairs long. There are around 3 billion base pairs in a human DNA. A gene is a portion of DNA, a segment of nucleic acid that, taken as a whole, specifies a trait. Humans have more then 20.000 genes. RNA is transcribed from DNA by enzymes and is generally further processed by other enzymes. RNA is central to the synthesis of proteins.
Going in more details about this subject is complete insanity unless you found your "other" vocation.
Looking at this number I can conclude that this is not a building anymore... where 50 trillion workers are needed to MAINTAIN a structure I would call this a society. I am a society. The society of my cells... it can also be compared with an ecosystem, but unlike a society of beings, the ecosystem is self sustaining. On the other hand, the society... NEEDS RESOURCES. Lots of them... and here is where the second distinct half of me comes in.
My mind is ruling the society. My mind is the elite of cells with the purpose of coordinating the direction the society is going. My mind has complete control of what to do and it is entrusted with this great power for the hole purpose of taking the correct decisions.
If I tell you that the mind can be compared with an extra efficient computer would you believe me? Yes you would... the mind is a big place place itself also. Stop looking at your mind as your brain, the brain is a mixture between the 50 trillion workers and the elite... it's the place where all the information is gathered, stored, selected and they are used to take the decisions. The brain is only interacting with your mind, it is the hardware for the software. Your mind however, is pure software... countless processes and programs are running to provide the big functionality of the operating system.
Your mind is god damn software. How was your software being created to be what it is? Simple, within the DNA are encoded also the few minimum routines needed to make it work to it's minimum. You have a program for gathering information, one for storing it, you have a program for selecting this information and associating it with other information, you have a program which is collecting data from the society and redirecting the information to the control program. The control program (which we refer to as our mind) is the one taking an info, looking at it, saying: we need food, search in the database for information about food, finds out what it is, how is provided, how to obtain it and deliver it where it suppose to go. It's that simple and yet more complex then that...
The minimum operating level which is constructed (you are baby in this stage) is mostly oriented around need fulfillment, storing information, associating information. When we grow in age we start creating some routines, those sets of rules and algorithms which solve problems easier. In real life we are learning things, more and more until of character is defined. The character of a human is the apogee of the software... now most of the algorithms are created and fully functional... any decision can be easily pulled and executed.
We will continue with a deeper insight about this in an other post, for now we will get back on the subject of "who am I".
I am a society. The organization of this society is totalitarianism. The society is driven and directed by an totalitarian elite which was entrusted with this power for the common good of the society. As every other society, mine is also doomed to die as more and more individuals begin to be tired of this regime and refuse to do their task. There are more then 6 billion of this types of societies on planet Earth at this moment. It takes an average of 70 cycles for the Earth to go around the Sun until one of these societies to collapse in anarchy (death of aging) unless destroyed by other events. In order to maintain this knowledge until the perfect UTOPIAN society (the perfect human) is created colonization must be done (procreation) by combining our freaking awesome plan with an other freaking awesome plan to make (hopefully) an even more freaking awesome plan.
Freaking awesome, right? I am a society...
If you want to know how we evolved to be like this: at a certain point single cell organism discovered in their evolution a new way to survive and started cooperating with other cells. By growing larger and larger, this organisms also evolved a new future, and thus being coordination. Little by little the coordination tasks was given to a specific types of cells and the outcome was an organism - a society of cells which learned to cooperate. It's all simple evolution... the best result of this evolution on earth is seen on humans, which their coordinator system took the shape of individualism, but at a much grater scale. The humans have imposed themselves on earth by applying the same model of coordination, by creating a society. As everything in evolution, societies mutates and learns to thrive in their survival or IT DIES. It's all natural selection...
A society allows its individual members to achieve individual needs or wishes that they could not fulfill separately by themselves. A society is an economic, social or industrial infrastructure, made up of a varied multitude of individuals. Eusociality - the highest level of social organization in a hierarchical classification. The most familiar examples are ants, bees, and wasps as well as termites - all with reproductive queens and more or less sterile workers and/or soldiers.
Anarchy - absence or non-recognition of authority and order in any given sphere.
Cancer is a class of diseases in which a group of cells display uncontrolled growth (division beyond the normal limits), invasion (intrusion on and destruction of adjacent tissues), and sometimes metastasis. Cancer can kill it's host and by doing so it kills it's sustaining environment leading of course to it's own death.
Why is it that we die of old age? I have a theory about that. The theory is that "our plan", our DNA is only developed as long enough to assure the continuity of the plan. Progression in perfecting the plan is a slow process. So... once the final stages of the plan were achieved (our full maturity) our mind takes over as a full coordinator - the plan is discarded as it is of no use to us anymore. Without any full plan to be followed... we are roaming free to contribute to the other plan. The other can only be the plan for our society... we are working on that one. With or without our awareness... this is what we are doing. Our biology encoded in our DNA dictates NOW how the next society will look like. There was a time when the DNA was mutating chaotically in order to produce a good plan. It was a time of uncertainty and chaos.
For thousands of years the humans have lived in chaos and now we are at the point where a plan is taking a shy form. It is certainly not the best plan, but there's an eternity at our disposal to improve this plan. There's only one barrier standing in our way and that is Earth itself. Earth is our host and it will remain so until we manage to spread there in the infinity. There are 2 paths for our future - either we pull it of, either we don't... Either we manage to evolve our society and procreate it and thus survive, either we don't and we die with our host just like cancer... Again said, it's THAT simple... We other do it, we either don't!!!
The Earth and the Sun have been "around here" for quite some time, but they'll not be here forever... nothing keeps it's form forever, nothing last forever... everything is transforming; transforming into something more complex or into something less. Either evolve, either disappear!
I'm an other post I will explain the meaning of life as I concluded. The conclusion is scary and ruthless. There is no meaning... everything is pure chaos... evolution and devolution... If we are to make a purpose to life... let it be evolution... let's evolve! Lets make our own plan, lets be free... Lets free ourselves from the death that awaits us on Earth. Earth's particles came from somewhere and evolved here. Now Earth exists. You evolved and you are here. You exist. The Sun is here and "soon" will start to devolve and die. He'll not get the chance actually... by that time our galaxy will collide with an other galaxy and everything will be destroyed... it's not a catastrophe... it happened before and it will happen again, over and over. It's a catastrophe if we're still here, watching it too close... Have you ever seen a nuclear blast? Check the Tzar Bomb! It's a terrifying beauty... watch from far away is certainly a beauty, watch it too close and you will not like it a bit.
Everybody asks himself at a certain point in our life: who am I? where am I? what's the purpose of all this? what is my purpose in all this?
Finding your answer is crucial to you. Only after you find your answers you are able to accomplish something in your life. Do something with your life. You exist nowt and you are in control of your society. Lead your society, be a good leader or a bad leader... whatever is the puzzle or the question, the answer will always have a 50% chance to be a good one. Either yes, either no. Either you do something, either you don't. Either you survive, either you die. Either you contribute to greatness, either you don't. You can prioritize what's more important, or you can just see where it leads. You can mutate your algorithms that define your character or you can be what you are just now. You can choose to be a better person or you can choose not to. You can evolve or you can devolve. Everything is your choice... this is your free will. Choose!
If you believe in a God, find out what he really want's you to do and start doing it (or you can do the opposite)! If you don't believe in a God then setup your own goals and follow them. No matter the scenario, in the end, our only enemy is ourselves. There's nothing else to fear but fear itself. Study it, process it, accept it and do something about it! We can choose to build the perfect society or we can choose to die here on Earth. We can become greatness or we can become cancer!!! The options for the ending result will always be 50%. Live or die is ours.
Who am I?
I am a human. I am the greatest result of evolution on Earth. I am a complex society and I am also the leader of this society. I am the chooser and the provider: I choose careers, family and friends; I choose altruism over selfishness and I choose selfishness when needed; I chose to contribute and I choose to consume; I choose good over wrong; I choose life over death; I choose as long as I have a choice and I am ONLY what I choose to be.
Do you know who you are? Who are you?
A simple question but with so many meanings and answers. Most likely you'll answer with your name by which you are know or referred to. Your name only implies that you are a human with a reference.
You could think deeply and give a better and more explicit answer... but for that, I can give you a bit of help. I'll help you by asking, what are you?
You are a human being or an individual of the human society. You must go deeper then that, tell me, what is a human?
Again, multiple answers, again a chain of aspects... to really answer a question to it's full you must know the actual universal truth - everything about everything. There is no human to know it, and there will never be someone capable to know everything. He who knows the answer to every question can only be seen as a god in my book, and even he might not know everything. But we are getting away from the subject and that is "who are you, really?"
It seems I used the pick of my existence to find out who I am, what is my purpose, what is the meaning of all this, how it happened... (the years around the age of 25 are considered as pick age - where everything you are doing can be referred to this age, for example the majority of greatest discoveries took place at this age or were sketched/formulated at this time).
So I asked my self just what I'm asking you here. I simply concluded that I am separated entities which are symbiotic (one can not exist without the other): my mind and my body. Let's start with the body, it's simpler, better studied and thus known to us:
A spermatozoon meets an ovule: they mix up their genes and then start dividing creating cells... cell after cell until you are created. How is this happening is absolutely amazing. A metaphor of the process would be: we have the DNA (right image) which is the architect, we have the RNA (the image a bit more down) which are the engineers and we have the common workers (cells/enzymes...) which are constructing as it is planned.
So, these are the brief facts of there is to it:
DNA is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms. The Human DNA has 23 pairs of chromosomes. Chromosome number 1, is approximately 220 million base pairs long. There are around 3 billion base pairs in a human DNA. A gene is a portion of DNA, a segment of nucleic acid that, taken as a whole, specifies a trait. Humans have more then 20.000 genes. RNA is transcribed from DNA by enzymes and is generally further processed by other enzymes. RNA is central to the synthesis of proteins.
Going in more details about this subject is complete insanity unless you found your "other" vocation.
The DNA dictates how we are created... it is your sketch... it is YOU. Out of this plan, between 50 and 100 trillion cells are created and they are working to provide your body the overall functionality. 50 trillion? that's individual cells... that's allot, don't you think? It's a pretty good freaking plan...
Looking at this number I can conclude that this is not a building anymore... where 50 trillion workers are needed to MAINTAIN a structure I would call this a society. I am a society. The society of my cells... it can also be compared with an ecosystem, but unlike a society of beings, the ecosystem is self sustaining. On the other hand, the society... NEEDS RESOURCES. Lots of them... and here is where the second distinct half of me comes in.
My mind is ruling the society. My mind is the elite of cells with the purpose of coordinating the direction the society is going. My mind has complete control of what to do and it is entrusted with this great power for the hole purpose of taking the correct decisions.
If I tell you that the mind can be compared with an extra efficient computer would you believe me? Yes you would... the mind is a big place place itself also. Stop looking at your mind as your brain, the brain is a mixture between the 50 trillion workers and the elite... it's the place where all the information is gathered, stored, selected and they are used to take the decisions. The brain is only interacting with your mind, it is the hardware for the software. Your mind however, is pure software... countless processes and programs are running to provide the big functionality of the operating system.
Your mind is god damn software. How was your software being created to be what it is? Simple, within the DNA are encoded also the few minimum routines needed to make it work to it's minimum. You have a program for gathering information, one for storing it, you have a program for selecting this information and associating it with other information, you have a program which is collecting data from the society and redirecting the information to the control program. The control program (which we refer to as our mind) is the one taking an info, looking at it, saying: we need food, search in the database for information about food, finds out what it is, how is provided, how to obtain it and deliver it where it suppose to go. It's that simple and yet more complex then that...
The minimum operating level which is constructed (you are baby in this stage) is mostly oriented around need fulfillment, storing information, associating information. When we grow in age we start creating some routines, those sets of rules and algorithms which solve problems easier. In real life we are learning things, more and more until of character is defined. The character of a human is the apogee of the software... now most of the algorithms are created and fully functional... any decision can be easily pulled and executed.
We will continue with a deeper insight about this in an other post, for now we will get back on the subject of "who am I".
I am a society. The organization of this society is totalitarianism. The society is driven and directed by an totalitarian elite which was entrusted with this power for the common good of the society. As every other society, mine is also doomed to die as more and more individuals begin to be tired of this regime and refuse to do their task. There are more then 6 billion of this types of societies on planet Earth at this moment. It takes an average of 70 cycles for the Earth to go around the Sun until one of these societies to collapse in anarchy (death of aging) unless destroyed by other events. In order to maintain this knowledge until the perfect UTOPIAN society (the perfect human) is created colonization must be done (procreation) by combining our freaking awesome plan with an other freaking awesome plan to make (hopefully) an even more freaking awesome plan.
Freaking awesome, right? I am a society...
If you want to know how we evolved to be like this: at a certain point single cell organism discovered in their evolution a new way to survive and started cooperating with other cells. By growing larger and larger, this organisms also evolved a new future, and thus being coordination. Little by little the coordination tasks was given to a specific types of cells and the outcome was an organism - a society of cells which learned to cooperate. It's all simple evolution... the best result of this evolution on earth is seen on humans, which their coordinator system took the shape of individualism, but at a much grater scale. The humans have imposed themselves on earth by applying the same model of coordination, by creating a society. As everything in evolution, societies mutates and learns to thrive in their survival or IT DIES. It's all natural selection...
A society allows its individual members to achieve individual needs or wishes that they could not fulfill separately by themselves. A society is an economic, social or industrial infrastructure, made up of a varied multitude of individuals. Eusociality - the highest level of social organization in a hierarchical classification. The most familiar examples are ants, bees, and wasps as well as termites - all with reproductive queens and more or less sterile workers and/or soldiers.
Anarchy - absence or non-recognition of authority and order in any given sphere.
Cancer is a class of diseases in which a group of cells display uncontrolled growth (division beyond the normal limits), invasion (intrusion on and destruction of adjacent tissues), and sometimes metastasis. Cancer can kill it's host and by doing so it kills it's sustaining environment leading of course to it's own death.
Why is it that we die of old age? I have a theory about that. The theory is that "our plan", our DNA is only developed as long enough to assure the continuity of the plan. Progression in perfecting the plan is a slow process. So... once the final stages of the plan were achieved (our full maturity) our mind takes over as a full coordinator - the plan is discarded as it is of no use to us anymore. Without any full plan to be followed... we are roaming free to contribute to the other plan. The other can only be the plan for our society... we are working on that one. With or without our awareness... this is what we are doing. Our biology encoded in our DNA dictates NOW how the next society will look like. There was a time when the DNA was mutating chaotically in order to produce a good plan. It was a time of uncertainty and chaos.
For thousands of years the humans have lived in chaos and now we are at the point where a plan is taking a shy form. It is certainly not the best plan, but there's an eternity at our disposal to improve this plan. There's only one barrier standing in our way and that is Earth itself. Earth is our host and it will remain so until we manage to spread there in the infinity. There are 2 paths for our future - either we pull it of, either we don't... Either we manage to evolve our society and procreate it and thus survive, either we don't and we die with our host just like cancer... Again said, it's THAT simple... We other do it, we either don't!!!
The Earth and the Sun have been "around here" for quite some time, but they'll not be here forever... nothing keeps it's form forever, nothing last forever... everything is transforming; transforming into something more complex or into something less. Either evolve, either disappear!
I'm an other post I will explain the meaning of life as I concluded. The conclusion is scary and ruthless. There is no meaning... everything is pure chaos... evolution and devolution... If we are to make a purpose to life... let it be evolution... let's evolve! Lets make our own plan, lets be free... Lets free ourselves from the death that awaits us on Earth. Earth's particles came from somewhere and evolved here. Now Earth exists. You evolved and you are here. You exist. The Sun is here and "soon" will start to devolve and die. He'll not get the chance actually... by that time our galaxy will collide with an other galaxy and everything will be destroyed... it's not a catastrophe... it happened before and it will happen again, over and over. It's a catastrophe if we're still here, watching it too close... Have you ever seen a nuclear blast? Check the Tzar Bomb! It's a terrifying beauty... watch from far away is certainly a beauty, watch it too close and you will not like it a bit.
Everybody asks himself at a certain point in our life: who am I? where am I? what's the purpose of all this? what is my purpose in all this?
Finding your answer is crucial to you. Only after you find your answers you are able to accomplish something in your life. Do something with your life. You exist nowt and you are in control of your society. Lead your society, be a good leader or a bad leader... whatever is the puzzle or the question, the answer will always have a 50% chance to be a good one. Either yes, either no. Either you do something, either you don't. Either you survive, either you die. Either you contribute to greatness, either you don't. You can prioritize what's more important, or you can just see where it leads. You can mutate your algorithms that define your character or you can be what you are just now. You can choose to be a better person or you can choose not to. You can evolve or you can devolve. Everything is your choice... this is your free will. Choose!
If you believe in a God, find out what he really want's you to do and start doing it (or you can do the opposite)! If you don't believe in a God then setup your own goals and follow them. No matter the scenario, in the end, our only enemy is ourselves. There's nothing else to fear but fear itself. Study it, process it, accept it and do something about it! We can choose to build the perfect society or we can choose to die here on Earth. We can become greatness or we can become cancer!!! The options for the ending result will always be 50%. Live or die is ours.
Who am I?
I am a human. I am the greatest result of evolution on Earth. I am a complex society and I am also the leader of this society. I am the chooser and the provider: I choose careers, family and friends; I choose altruism over selfishness and I choose selfishness when needed; I chose to contribute and I choose to consume; I choose good over wrong; I choose life over death; I choose as long as I have a choice and I am ONLY what I choose to be.
Do you know who you are? Who are you?
Monday, March 16, 2009
Where am I?
"Where am I?" or "Rage"
I can't decide truly which of those is the actual best fitted title of what I want to write about. I am enraged and it's outrageous!!!
Everything is pure insanity. I am ecstatic by the fact that I am here, now, at this very moment, having all the freedom to do almost everything and yet bounded to do nothing... I know who I am, I know how I got here, but what I don't know yet is what now?
I live in a society that is following some basic set of rules. The rules are following the lines of freedom; individual freedom, group freedom, freedom as a concept. So many great philosophers turned this aspect on all the sides taking each small area of the concept and elaborating upon it that everyone has no more idea what freedom really is. I have no actual insight to give upon, I have no secret knowledge at my disposal, I might even know very little on the matter or at least a bit less then you might. But what I did figure out so far, my freedom starts from where I am and it finishes where somebody else's freedom begins.
Our current society is trying to mimic this idea into laws, putting barriers and drawing borders where we should not cross nor trespass. The punishment for stepping over those borders is yet still too light in my opinion. People have no fear of crossing them...
But yet here resides the most interesting anomaly of our society: once we start defining borders for freedom, the freedom itself is being chopped. The more borders, the more pieces of chopped freedom... the more we try to define freedom into general behavior the more we are strangling it by the neck - suffocating it! Once you start making laws you are only surrounding people with confinement - we are creating prisons around us!!! Even if you are aware of it, though most likely you are not, I believe that some genetic low within us is sending us signals to start crushing down barriers, one by one. Isn't this how humanity evolved? stepping over barriers, one by one...? I'm not speaking about hormonal driven deranged people which like doing bad stuff to others just so they would have a kick out of it... I'm speaking about day-to-day "normal" (hence the quotes as normal is still not defined) people having the impulse of breaking a law, as innocent or insignificant as it seems... is it the rush of adrenaline? your need for having power, even psychological power over things imposed to you? is it our genetic written selfishness? or is it that you just want to feel a taste of more freedom?
I'm absolutely convinced that anyone reading this has done at least a few times something they wasn't suppose to, which comes in direct conflict with the society. If you have the impulse to say "I didn't" think hard when you tried to steal that candy or throwing a piece of paper on the sidewalk, or the time when you jumped into the buss without a ticket...
What actually keeps us away from becoming criminals or condemned felons is only our own set of values which burned in our character since we were kids. You can say that you were thought to be like that... yes, you were! When you are borne in a society you are bound to be part of it. We are social beings and we can not afford the damnation of being excluded from it. THE RULES OF SOCIETY ARE IMPOSED TO YOU!
So, you might wonder, where is all this going to? Is there a point speaking about it? Yes it is and the point is: should we follow the rules of society or should we shape our society based on our freedom? Our society has mutated... it's one big freaking complex mutant!!! All the inter-relationships between economics, human behavior, inherited morals, preconceptions, actual conceptions and so many others... they mutated year after year, century after century... and here we are! Do you need an example argument? The only best example which comes into my mind is nudism... yes... I'm also ashamed or at lest worried not to be seen nude... even when going to the shower after an intense hour of squash I have a bit of shame of walking around naked... it's really NOTHING to be shamed of... but can you help it? While everyone was thought that it's a shame to do that, decade after decade... here we are, being shamed of something which should be perfectly natural. Since we are here on this subject, I believe that our need of cloths back in the prehistoric age changed everything... once people started using cloths and years past by, people integrated undressing the partner into their sex ceremony (yes, it's still a hole freaking ceremony when you want to have sex). And if nudism isn't a convincing example, here's an other one for you: talking about sex. It has been taboo for so much time that we still have difficulty in expressing it. I for one would feel quite uncomfortable in a conversation about favorite position, how I like it and so forth...
To resume to the point... it's a freaking mutant society!!!
And the most interesting part of this mutant is that it can not be "normal" again once mutating over and over again. Only a sharp scalpel cut that would shake the very foundations of the concept is able to actually take society to a good path. A golden utopic society (which of course by it's utopic nature is not even remotely real).
As one buddy just a few hours ago said - we are daily loosing our unique individuality. Yes Mihai, you are correct (90% chance you were speaking about something else) - every day we're becoming just as everybody else... little by little we are becoming fully social beings, bounded by society rules, following the society's models, becoming one with the society. We are now in the full process of transhumance.
We started to be made by the society and we have stopped long time ago forming the society by our individual image. We are just sheep marching, eating, marching... and the society itself is our shepherd... driving us, taking us... somewhere...
Tell me, who's actually leading your society? Only then you will know who to ask WHERE THE HELL ARE WE GOING?
But I guess that when you're taking a good look at your "shepherd" you do the same as most of us do... turning the head the other way trying to get rid of the disgusting grimace of your face... besides... you're just an other sheep and you're happy for your freedom to take an other bite of the fresh sweet green grass!
I on the other hand do not find my place here. A part of me wants to fill the need of being a social person and let things as they are, an other part is raged and it's screams of freedom remain without echo... and then... there is one more part... the third... which says let's change something, let's start with that...
P.S. - why shouldn't I use special words in public? Are you ashamed? FUCK YOU AND YOUR RULES!
I can't decide truly which of those is the actual best fitted title of what I want to write about. I am enraged and it's outrageous!!!
Everything is pure insanity. I am ecstatic by the fact that I am here, now, at this very moment, having all the freedom to do almost everything and yet bounded to do nothing... I know who I am, I know how I got here, but what I don't know yet is what now?
I live in a society that is following some basic set of rules. The rules are following the lines of freedom; individual freedom, group freedom, freedom as a concept. So many great philosophers turned this aspect on all the sides taking each small area of the concept and elaborating upon it that everyone has no more idea what freedom really is. I have no actual insight to give upon, I have no secret knowledge at my disposal, I might even know very little on the matter or at least a bit less then you might. But what I did figure out so far, my freedom starts from where I am and it finishes where somebody else's freedom begins.
Our current society is trying to mimic this idea into laws, putting barriers and drawing borders where we should not cross nor trespass. The punishment for stepping over those borders is yet still too light in my opinion. People have no fear of crossing them...
But yet here resides the most interesting anomaly of our society: once we start defining borders for freedom, the freedom itself is being chopped. The more borders, the more pieces of chopped freedom... the more we try to define freedom into general behavior the more we are strangling it by the neck - suffocating it! Once you start making laws you are only surrounding people with confinement - we are creating prisons around us!!! Even if you are aware of it, though most likely you are not, I believe that some genetic low within us is sending us signals to start crushing down barriers, one by one. Isn't this how humanity evolved? stepping over barriers, one by one...? I'm not speaking about hormonal driven deranged people which like doing bad stuff to others just so they would have a kick out of it... I'm speaking about day-to-day "normal" (hence the quotes as normal is still not defined) people having the impulse of breaking a law, as innocent or insignificant as it seems... is it the rush of adrenaline? your need for having power, even psychological power over things imposed to you? is it our genetic written selfishness? or is it that you just want to feel a taste of more freedom?
I'm absolutely convinced that anyone reading this has done at least a few times something they wasn't suppose to, which comes in direct conflict with the society. If you have the impulse to say "I didn't" think hard when you tried to steal that candy or throwing a piece of paper on the sidewalk, or the time when you jumped into the buss without a ticket...
What actually keeps us away from becoming criminals or condemned felons is only our own set of values which burned in our character since we were kids. You can say that you were thought to be like that... yes, you were! When you are borne in a society you are bound to be part of it. We are social beings and we can not afford the damnation of being excluded from it. THE RULES OF SOCIETY ARE IMPOSED TO YOU!
So, you might wonder, where is all this going to? Is there a point speaking about it? Yes it is and the point is: should we follow the rules of society or should we shape our society based on our freedom? Our society has mutated... it's one big freaking complex mutant!!! All the inter-relationships between economics, human behavior, inherited morals, preconceptions, actual conceptions and so many others... they mutated year after year, century after century... and here we are! Do you need an example argument? The only best example which comes into my mind is nudism... yes... I'm also ashamed or at lest worried not to be seen nude... even when going to the shower after an intense hour of squash I have a bit of shame of walking around naked... it's really NOTHING to be shamed of... but can you help it? While everyone was thought that it's a shame to do that, decade after decade... here we are, being shamed of something which should be perfectly natural. Since we are here on this subject, I believe that our need of cloths back in the prehistoric age changed everything... once people started using cloths and years past by, people integrated undressing the partner into their sex ceremony (yes, it's still a hole freaking ceremony when you want to have sex). And if nudism isn't a convincing example, here's an other one for you: talking about sex. It has been taboo for so much time that we still have difficulty in expressing it. I for one would feel quite uncomfortable in a conversation about favorite position, how I like it and so forth...
To resume to the point... it's a freaking mutant society!!!
And the most interesting part of this mutant is that it can not be "normal" again once mutating over and over again. Only a sharp scalpel cut that would shake the very foundations of the concept is able to actually take society to a good path. A golden utopic society (which of course by it's utopic nature is not even remotely real).
As one buddy just a few hours ago said - we are daily loosing our unique individuality. Yes Mihai, you are correct (90% chance you were speaking about something else) - every day we're becoming just as everybody else... little by little we are becoming fully social beings, bounded by society rules, following the society's models, becoming one with the society. We are now in the full process of transhumance.
We started to be made by the society and we have stopped long time ago forming the society by our individual image. We are just sheep marching, eating, marching... and the society itself is our shepherd... driving us, taking us... somewhere...
Tell me, who's actually leading your society? Only then you will know who to ask WHERE THE HELL ARE WE GOING?
But I guess that when you're taking a good look at your "shepherd" you do the same as most of us do... turning the head the other way trying to get rid of the disgusting grimace of your face... besides... you're just an other sheep and you're happy for your freedom to take an other bite of the fresh sweet green grass!
I on the other hand do not find my place here. A part of me wants to fill the need of being a social person and let things as they are, an other part is raged and it's screams of freedom remain without echo... and then... there is one more part... the third... which says let's change something, let's start with that...
P.S. - why shouldn't I use special words in public? Are you ashamed? FUCK YOU AND YOUR RULES!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Family, friends and foes (I)
There are 5 types of people around you and they daily influence your freaking life: family, friends, foes, mate and others. If I were to categorize people from my obtuse angle, those 5 would be it.
Almost everyone has some special people which fall under this category. Most likely everyone puts here their blood relatives (and perhaps include their mate). My criteria is not special, it's just like this and perhaps any other regular Joes out there.
I could fill endless pages about them, you could as well... some funny things, some cushy ones, sad and joy... all is there... in the unwritten pages.
But what I'll write about them is how interesting my view is or rather how they influence my life. They are "out there", far away, as I have departed on my own path.
Short description:
- mother: kind and smart, hunted by her mother's genetic legacy (cheap and selfish)
- father: kind and extra smart, overweight and sensitive to emotions lately
- brother: 8 years older, has "it's own family", genetic inheritance: stubborn, kind, family guy
- cousin: 4 years older, has "it's own family", always in debts, scary face and muscle mass, also kind
- my father's parents: either love them, either hate them
- my mother's mother: she's quite a character...
- my mother's sister: also my god-mother at the wedding, very kind, lovely character, good friend with my future ex wife.
- a few others...
- me: 1000km away from them!
Well, with all the distance... I can say they still make quite a stir in my life. Of course everyone is bound to the unsaid rule of helping the others in need or doing it without asking. And from this bounding is getting out all the interesting things.
For example my folks are trying to give me advices on what to do with my upcoming divorce... of course I kindly reject their opinions since they have absolutely no clue how things actually work in my world. I'm still glad I haven't said anything for an year or so to them about this separation between me and my wife...
Get your head straight, find out what you want - then share it with them. Otherwise... they'll pawn me with their opinions: you should do this, you should go there, come back from where you are, don't buy that car - eats too much gas, have you been to the dentist? when are you moving to a different flat? and etc... I believe the word is nagging :)
But no matter what they say, no matter what they do: they are my family and I'll go right over everything... perhaps say "chill" or pretend I didn't hear something... and go back as being family.
The point of where they stay in my universe is "there". For some reason I like being far way and yet I enjoy seeing and hearing them. Perhaps is the good times that lure me into it and most certainly, somehow, a distance must be kept.
Only by keeping a distance I can go on with my plans and life in general with as little influence possible.
My father get's influenced allot by "his folks"... sometimes good, most of the time not that good. And they sure like getting involved...
Everything get's me thinking: how will I be with my kids? Ok, I know I'll be scary dad for them until they grow up... I'll do it for their sake of course. But what will happen afterwards: will I be a control freak? will I manage to let go and keep the balance between nagging and giving a good advice when needed? Will I be referred to as a good parent by them? Will I be in good terms with my brother even when I'll be 70 years old and senile? :D
Would you?
One thing is sure about family... time passes by and at a certain point I'll wish to have spent more time with them.
Almost everyone has some special people which fall under this category. Most likely everyone puts here their blood relatives (and perhaps include their mate). My criteria is not special, it's just like this and perhaps any other regular Joes out there.
I could fill endless pages about them, you could as well... some funny things, some cushy ones, sad and joy... all is there... in the unwritten pages.
But what I'll write about them is how interesting my view is or rather how they influence my life. They are "out there", far away, as I have departed on my own path.
Short description:
- mother: kind and smart, hunted by her mother's genetic legacy (cheap and selfish)
- father: kind and extra smart, overweight and sensitive to emotions lately
- brother: 8 years older, has "it's own family", genetic inheritance: stubborn, kind, family guy
- cousin: 4 years older, has "it's own family", always in debts, scary face and muscle mass, also kind
- my father's parents: either love them, either hate them
- my mother's mother: she's quite a character...
- my mother's sister: also my god-mother at the wedding, very kind, lovely character, good friend with my future ex wife.
- a few others...
- me: 1000km away from them!
Well, with all the distance... I can say they still make quite a stir in my life. Of course everyone is bound to the unsaid rule of helping the others in need or doing it without asking. And from this bounding is getting out all the interesting things.
For example my folks are trying to give me advices on what to do with my upcoming divorce... of course I kindly reject their opinions since they have absolutely no clue how things actually work in my world. I'm still glad I haven't said anything for an year or so to them about this separation between me and my wife...
Get your head straight, find out what you want - then share it with them. Otherwise... they'll pawn me with their opinions: you should do this, you should go there, come back from where you are, don't buy that car - eats too much gas, have you been to the dentist? when are you moving to a different flat? and etc... I believe the word is nagging :)
But no matter what they say, no matter what they do: they are my family and I'll go right over everything... perhaps say "chill" or pretend I didn't hear something... and go back as being family.
The point of where they stay in my universe is "there". For some reason I like being far way and yet I enjoy seeing and hearing them. Perhaps is the good times that lure me into it and most certainly, somehow, a distance must be kept.
Only by keeping a distance I can go on with my plans and life in general with as little influence possible.
My father get's influenced allot by "his folks"... sometimes good, most of the time not that good. And they sure like getting involved...
Everything get's me thinking: how will I be with my kids? Ok, I know I'll be scary dad for them until they grow up... I'll do it for their sake of course. But what will happen afterwards: will I be a control freak? will I manage to let go and keep the balance between nagging and giving a good advice when needed? Will I be referred to as a good parent by them? Will I be in good terms with my brother even when I'll be 70 years old and senile? :D
Would you?
One thing is sure about family... time passes by and at a certain point I'll wish to have spent more time with them.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Feeding Time and Vinton Cerf
It's feeding time and the first steps to feed this bloggy are apparently setuped: blog, feedburner, facebook.
It's interesting how the world goes around within internet. Companies and respectively their web pages learn to coexist and collaborate.
Thumbs up: thank you Vinton Cerf, ARPA made the world a better place!!!
It's interesting how the world goes around within internet. Companies and respectively their web pages learn to coexist and collaborate.
Thumbs up: thank you Vinton Cerf, ARPA made the world a better place!!!
Friday 13-th
Well... sometimes coincidence is funky.
Friday 13-th.
I'm updating the blog with a MEGA post... I'm writing for about an hour with all the interruptions from my friends asking me stuff... Yes, I was home, having my "morning" coffee and ideas were flowing into words like the amazon rushing towards the ocean.
It would have been a nice post, you would have like it for sure, acidic and sublimely funny... but Friday the 13-th kicks in and my unsaved almost finished post dies with the browser... WTF I ask my self... no matter what I wanted to write... WEIRD shit was happening with my "things" on the screen. I check the processes for some weird Trojan or other viruses (the mouse was still working)... nothing... I'm saying stupid Windows and restart the comp.
PC is starting and jams at the boot... "Shit" I say to myself boiling with anger. After some shut down and reboots... I'm at the windows log-on screen, trying to type the password... any letter typing... ERROR - Bad password... WTF!?!
Aha... so the keyboard is dead, fried and screwed... damn it!
My flat colleague takes the keyboard for a test... works like new... I put it back at my PC... works fine... oh - and yes, I was unplugging it out and in of the PC before...
So no MEGA funny acidic post no more, thank you Friday the 13-th.
A few hour later... I get to work for an other night-shift. The guy from the late-shift says:
- our Manager will be changed for 1-st of April (I had a deal with him concerning my salary... mega sucks)
- we have 1 person to many in the team for our current workload (somebody might get booted... sucks)
- we will move to the second floor (we are alone here during the night so moving there would mean lots of other people around... sucks)
Therefore: YouTube of the day
Friday 13-th.
I'm updating the blog with a MEGA post... I'm writing for about an hour with all the interruptions from my friends asking me stuff... Yes, I was home, having my "morning" coffee and ideas were flowing into words like the amazon rushing towards the ocean.
It would have been a nice post, you would have like it for sure, acidic and sublimely funny... but Friday the 13-th kicks in and my unsaved almost finished post dies with the browser... WTF I ask my self... no matter what I wanted to write... WEIRD shit was happening with my "things" on the screen. I check the processes for some weird Trojan or other viruses (the mouse was still working)... nothing... I'm saying stupid Windows and restart the comp.
PC is starting and jams at the boot... "Shit" I say to myself boiling with anger. After some shut down and reboots... I'm at the windows log-on screen, trying to type the password... any letter typing... ERROR - Bad password... WTF!?!
Aha... so the keyboard is dead, fried and screwed... damn it!
My flat colleague takes the keyboard for a test... works like new... I put it back at my PC... works fine... oh - and yes, I was unplugging it out and in of the PC before...
So no MEGA funny acidic post no more, thank you Friday the 13-th.
A few hour later... I get to work for an other night-shift. The guy from the late-shift says:
- our Manager will be changed for 1-st of April (I had a deal with him concerning my salary... mega sucks)
- we have 1 person to many in the team for our current workload (somebody might get booted... sucks)
- we will move to the second floor (we are alone here during the night so moving there would mean lots of other people around... sucks)
Therefore: YouTube of the day
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Day one
Some times you just ought to be there.
There is most certainly a cloud of virtual stuff. Among those I can mention a few but I'll just mention facebook for the moment.
I started using facebook about 3 weeks back and I did it just to contact someone for a certain collaboration (I'll get to this later). While I was setting up the account "facebook" recommended me a few people which I might know... how in the world did he knew about them... I'm still puzzled. I'll not go into details about it but it's damn suspicious :D
And so, I got facebooking... and crawling through it just to see what it is all about. I can say that it surprised me in a pleasant way... now friends which are updating their status 3-4 times a day doesn't seem that off now-a-days. We're "playing" games together, sending each other stupid flowers or sweet teddies, songs and posters, jokes and so one... it's catchy and it's out there: facebook.
Btw, after this 3 weeks I remembered why I joined facebook in the first place and asked that person what I intended back then.
There is most certainly a cloud of virtual stuff. Among those I can mention a few but I'll just mention facebook for the moment.
I started using facebook about 3 weeks back and I did it just to contact someone for a certain collaboration (I'll get to this later). While I was setting up the account "facebook" recommended me a few people which I might know... how in the world did he knew about them... I'm still puzzled. I'll not go into details about it but it's damn suspicious :D
And so, I got facebooking... and crawling through it just to see what it is all about. I can say that it surprised me in a pleasant way... now friends which are updating their status 3-4 times a day doesn't seem that off now-a-days. We're "playing" games together, sending each other stupid flowers or sweet teddies, songs and posters, jokes and so one... it's catchy and it's out there: facebook.
Btw, after this 3 weeks I remembered why I joined facebook in the first place and asked that person what I intended back then.
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